NHS Fundraiser for Shetland MRI Scanner Appeal

Over 600 patients from Shetland travel south to have an MRI scan each year. MRI diagnostics are used to diagnose and monitor a wide variety of health conditions and the number of patients who need them is steadily increasing.

There can be delays in getting an MRI scan due to weather, transport delays oe logistical problems in getting short notice appointments or one stop clinics. There is also the challenge of making the journey itself, which can involve time off work, and impact on family life and child care at an already difficult time.

Supporting the fundraising campaign are Senior Staff Nurses Gwen Angus and Emma Williamson, who work in the Gilbert Bain Accident and Emergency department and star in the Island Medics series.

Through a combination of grant funding and a public fundraising campaign, the Shetland Health Board Endowment Fund aims to raise £2 million for an MRI Scanner located at the Gilbert Bain.

Shetland could have its own MRI scanner, so that scans could be done here and sent to the same specialists who analyse them now.

This would bring quicker access to diagnostic tests and reduce unnecessary patient travel, stress and inconvenience. The savings in patient travel will be put towards staffing the MRI Scanner.