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  • Smashing night's fiddle and accordion entertainment
By Deborah LeggateOctober 12th 2012

The 25th annual Shetland accordion and fiddle festival is well underway with six roaring concerts last night, 43 acts in all from the Ness Boating Club up to the Sullom Hall.

I was told from the off that being a “festival virgin” was no impediment to understanding the music on offer or enjoying the volunteer led festive. Turns out I wasn't told a lie.

Having long been an attendee of the local folk festival I have come to love the spread of venues across the isles; there is something smashing about a concert in Bigton, Burra or Bixter. So, it is fitting that my first ever taste of the accordion and fiddle festival should be in the intimacy of the Bixter public hall because, I'm not 100 per cent sure now, but I think the last time I walked through the doors the GTL Disco had Dr Feelgood's Milk and Alcohol turning on the table. I work on a Friday so it would have to be milk with tonight's musical feast.

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