By Misa HayApril 2nd 2013
Misa Hay

Peter Biehl: Moments in Nature

Sam Davies: No Explanation Necessary

Da Gadderie is hosting two exhibitions by artists, Peter Biehl and Sam Davies, opening this weekend.  Although they are different subject matters, they both study the characters of Shetland; Sam with portraiture and Peter with wildlife.

Peter works outdoors. He carries his studio equipment with him and often returns to the same areas. In this way he has been able to become accepted by some of the wild creatures he studies. He has been "allowed" into their terrain. One raven is so used to his presence that he is able to sit by her and is shadowed from the air when walking her territory. As well as Ramnas there are seals, birds and Shetland ponies to enjoy in this show.


The place of broad landscapes

Seascapes and open skies.

And each broad view reveals

An intricate mosaic of smaller

Details braced in vivid colours


Moments in Nature is my tribute

To these islands and the place

Where I live.


A tribute to the seals, ponies, lambs 

And birds around me." 



For Sam, making any kind of art is a continuous never ending process of learning and discovery, which is what makes being an artist such a fascinating and rewarding way to live. Most artists lead busy lives and can only work on their art when all other tasks are complete. 

He says; "If you can find the time, and the ones you love support you, then it's just down to you. Personally a paintbrush, a canvas, a mug of tea and loud music make me as happy as a puppy in a biscuit factory." 

In this exhibition there are twelve portraits of local people and Sam would like to thank them once again for allowing him to portray them on canvas.

The exhibition runs from 6rd April – 12th May 2013.